도시 근린공원간의 포착력에 대한 동력모형검증

A gravity Model For The Catchments Between Parks

  • 발행 : 1993.07.01


This study suggests one hypothesis: The strength between the catchment foreces of urban community parks can be represented to a gravity model. The gravity model is derived from the related of two subjects, witch is related with their distance. A grvity model for the catchments between parks is represented as followed formula: Iij=${\alpha}$${\times}$ $\frac{Pi$.$Pj}{${\beta}$r}$(formula) Here, Iij is a total number of the vistors of park i and j in a year. Pi is population of the catchment area of park i. Pj is population of the catchment area of park j. ${\alpha}$and, ${\beta}$ are parameters. This formula is testified in the case of Chong-ju community parks.
