The Characteristics and Fates of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients Seen at Medical Department of A Medium Sized General Hospital

부산에 한 중형 종합 병원 내과에서의 폐결핵 환자의 양상과 귀결

  • Kim, Young-Hyo (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital) ;
  • Park, Ki-Chan (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital) ;
  • Bae, Seong (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Hun (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital) ;
  • Chun, Myung-Ho (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Ki (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital) ;
  • Jun, Kwang-Su (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital) ;
  • Lee, Chan-Se (Department of Internal Medicine, Daedong General Hospital)
  • Published : 1992.10.31


Background: There were many reports about the clinical aspect and outcomes of pulmonary tuberculosis in health center but few in a medium sized general hospital. The purposes of this study were to find any characteristic differencies in the patients and the general outcomes of the treatments and also to give some suggestive points for the insurance policy making. Methods: We made a retrograde analysis of the medical records of 1981 patients (male 992 female 1,059) who attended our clinics of the 4th internal department, Daedong general hospital during two years from January 1989 to December 1990. Result: 1) Of 1981 patients, 96 were diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis taking relatively large proportion in the prevalence. The ratio of prevalence between male and female was 7.81% to 2.27%. The 61.46% were the first diagnosis & initial treatment cases and the remaining 38.54% were the retreatment cases with no statistical significance between sex. 2) The most prevalent age group was between 21~40 years old and the prevalence rate was 45.45% of male and 76.76% of female. The lowest age group in male patient was above 61 showed 3.03%, and there was no female patients above age 60 years old. This phenomena could be thought as the negligence for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the old age groups rather than true tuberculosis prevalence and it could be proved by the higher rates towards old age groups in the national tuberculosis prevalence survey. 3) There were 57.07% of the minimal case, 48.96% of the moderate, 18.75% of the far advanced. The sputum examination showed 37.07% were culture positive, 46.88% were the negative, and 15.63% of the patients had no stutum examination. Moreover, uncoperatives among the far advanced cases were notable showing 22.22% of the stutum examination, where 16.13% in the minimal cases. The stutum positive rate among the initial treatment cases were 41.07% and 55.00% for the retreatment cases. The sputum no examination rates were 17.86% and 12.50% respectively. 4) The classfication of the mode of disease onset showed 68.75% with gradual onset, 9.38% hemoptic, 3.13% acute pneumonic and 18.75% was found through the radiologic examination in various occasions. 5) The percentages of patients who continued their treatment for more than 8 month were 35.71% (for initial treatment), 25.00% (for retrement), 16.13% (for the minimal), 27.78% (for the far advanced). 6) The group of patients who were treated more than 8 months showed the negative conversion rate of 80% on sputum and marked improvement on chest x-ray in 56.67%. However, in far advanced or retreatment cases, the rate of negative conversion on sputum and the rate of improvement on chest x-ray were low being 60% and 20% for the former and 60% and 10% for the latter, each respectively. Conclusion: It would be strongly emphasized that the improvement of National medical insurance system and social welfare system in Korea must be definite to improve overall treatment and control of tuberculosis diseases as well as physician's devotious National tuberculosis control policy.

연구 배경 : 보건소에서와는 달리 폐결핵 환자들의 일반적 양상과 동태, 치료결과에 대한 일반 중형 종합병원에서의 연구 보고는 별로 없어 본원에서 치료한 환자의 특성과 결과를 보고하며 또한 의료보험 정책 설정에 도움을 주기 위한 것이다. 방법 : 1989년초 부터 1990년 말까지 2년간에 부산시 동래구에 있는 중형 종합병원인 대동병원 제 4 내과에서 진료한 환자, 남자 922명, 여자 1,059명 총 1981명의 의무기록을 조사해서 폐결핵환자들에 관한 것을 분석 검토하였다. 결과: 1) 본 내과 환자 1981명중에 폐결핵 환자는 96명, 4.85%의 빈도인데 내과 환자중에서 상당히 많은 비중을 차지했다. 남자에선 7.81%, 여자에선 2.27%이었다. 초진단 초치료 환자는 61.46%, 재치료 환자는 38.54%인데, 여기엔 61.46%, 재치료 환자는 38.54%인데, 여기엔 남여 차이가 별로 없었다. 2) 연령군별 분포를 보면 노령층에서 많아지는 결핵 전국 실태조사에서와는 달리 남여가 21~40세군이 각각 45.45%와 76.67%를 차지해서 최고 빈도이고, 61세 이상군에서는 남자가 3.03%로 최저이고, 여자는 1명도 없었는데 이것은 노령에서 자타가 모두 폐결핵 진료에 무관심한 까닭이라고 생각된다. 3) 병변의 크기 분류에서 경중이 57.07%, 중등증이 48.96%, 중증이 18.75% 균양성률은 배양검사를 기준으로 했는데 양성이 37.50%, 음성이 46.88%, 균검사를 하지않은 자가 15.63% 이었다. 중증일수록 양성률이 높다는 일반견해와 일치하는 데 특기할 것은 균불감 사자가 경증에선 16.13%인데 중증에서 오히려 좀 많아서 22.22%나 되었다는 것은 주목할 일이다. 초치료자와 재치료자간의 균양성률은 각기 41.07%와 55.00%으로 약간 차이가 있었고 균불검사자는 초치료자가 17.86%로 재치료자 12.50%보다 좀 많았다. 4) 발병모양(초진단동기)은 서서히 발병한 것이 68.75%, 객혈이 9.38%, 급성폐렴양 3.13% 이고, X 선 사진 검사에서 발견된 것이 18.75%로 많았으므로 우리나라에선 여러 경우에 실시하는 폐 X 선사진검사가 결핵 조기진단에 큰 도움이 된다고 하겠다. 5) 8개월이상 진료를 계속한 환자는 초치료자의 35.71%, 재치료자의 25.00%, 경증환자에선 16.13%, 중증환자에서도 겨우 27.78%이었다. 6) 8개월이상 치료자 30명에서는 객담음성화률이 80%, X 선사진상 현저한 경쾌가 56.67%이었는데 중증환자에선 각기 60%와 20%로 저율이었고 재치료환자에서도 역시 각기 60%와 10%도 저율이었다. 결론 : 우리나라의 결핵문제는 아직도 얘우 중요하고 폐결핵 환자의 치료와 관리가 향상되기 위해서는 국가제도의 획기적 개선과 사회보장제도의 향상 그 의사들의 더 많은 노력이 필요하다고 하겠다.
