Reed Canarygrass의 관리 및 이용에 관한 연구 I. Reed Canarygrass 4품종의 생육특성 , 건물수량 및 사료가치 비교

Studies on the Management and Utilization of Reed Canarygrass I. Comparison of growth charateristics , dry matter yield , and nutritive value in four cultivars of reed canarygrass

  • 발행 : 1992.12.01


To understand the basic information on the management and utilization of reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.), four cultivars of Palaton. Venture, Castor and Frontier (control) were compared for growth characteristics, dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value, 1990 to 1992. The reed canarygrass was harvested four times annually, at soiling stage. The average plant height at harvest was 60 cm in Frontier, 57 cm in Palaton and Venture, and 52 cm in Castor. Initial heading and heading date in 1990 were ca. 21 May and 29 May, respectively, regardless of cultivar. The highest yield (12.495 kg/ha) in 1990 was observed by Frontier. In 1991. Palaton. Venture and Frontier outyielded Castor significantly, and the yields of all cultivars in 1992 were not significant, ranged from 11,460 kg (Castor) to 12,298 kg/ha (Palaton). On an average for three years, Palaton (10,592 kg), Venturc (10,405 kg) and Frontier (1 1,277 kg/ha) produced more forages than Castor. In Frontier the percentage of DM distribution at first harvest (spring) was highest (32.4%). However, the distributions at third (summer) and fourth (autumn) harvest were high in Palaton and Venture, compared with Frontier. The nutritive value of reed canarygrass was not significantly different among cultivars, and the percentage of weeds was slightly high in Castor reed canarygrass.
