Predictions on the Flame Structure and Soot Distribution in the Coflowing Laminar Diffusion Flames

동층류 축대칭 확산화염내의 화염구조 및 매연입자 분포의 예측

  • 이정기 ((주)대우자동차 기술연구소) ;
  • 김상수 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1992.08.01


A numerical calculation on the flame structure and soot particle distribution in a coannular laminar diffusion flame was performed. Flame analysis model utilized basically flame sheet concepts, Shvab-Zel'dovich assumption, and one step overall irreversible reaction. It was also considered the variation of thermodynamics and transport properties, and the stagnation enthalpy was used for solving temperature field. Radiation was taken into account, since it has been found to be important in determining the flame temperature in sooty flames. For soot particle analysis, we adopted the coagulation, suface condensation, and the oxidation model in addition to tesner's two-step formation model. Equations for primary soot particle excluding the agglomeration process were solved. Based on the results, the regions of soot generation, growth, and oxidation in the flame have been observed and radiation strongly influenced flame temperature and soot distribution.

본 연구에서는 동층류 축대칭 확산화염에서 이전까지의 화염해석 방법들을 면 밀히 고찰하여 층류 확산화염 방식의 연소문제를 해결하는데 있어서 접근이 용이하고 타당성을 가지는 화염해석 방법을 찾아내는데 있으며 매연 입자에 관한 생성및 산화모 델을 총체적으로 연결하여 실험결과와의 비교를 통해 적절한 모델인수를 결정하며 복 사효과와 열영동효과를 고려하여 화염해석과 화염내의 매연입자의 분포를 예측하는데 있다.
