부산시 교통사고예측모형의 개발

Development of Traffic Accident Forecasting Model in Pusan

  • 이일병 (한양대 도시공학과 박사과정 수자) ;
  • 임현정 (한양대 도시공학과)
  • 발행 : 1992.06.01


The objective of this research is to develop a traffic accident forecasting model using traffic accident data in pusan from 1963 to 1991 and then to make short-term forecasts('93~'94) of traffic accidents in pusan. In this research, several forecasting models are developed. They include a multiple regression model, a time-series ARIMA model, a Logistic curve model, and a Gompertz curve model. Among them, the model which shows the most significance in forecasting accuracy is selected as the traffic accident forecasting model. The results of this research are as followings. 1. The existing model such as Smeed model which was developed for foreign countries shows only 47.8% explanation for traffic accident deaths in Korea. 2. A nonliner regression model ($R^2$=0.9432) and a Logistic curve model are appeared to be th gest forecasting models for the number of traffic accidents, and a Logistic curve model shows th most significance in predicting the accident deaths and injuries. 3. The forecasting figures of the traffic accidents in pusan are as followings: . In 1993, 31, 180 accidents are predicted to happen, and 430 persons are predicted to be deaths and 29, 680 persons are predicated to be injuries. . In 1994, 33, 710 accidents are predicted to happen, and 431.persons are predicted to be deat! and 30, 510 persons are predicted to be injuried. Therefore, preventive measures against traffic accidents are certainly required.
