Scheduling for Mixed-Model Assembly Lines in JIT Production Systems

JIT 생산 시스템에서의 혼합모델 조립라인을 위한 일정계획

  • Ro, In-Kyu (Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University) ;
  • Kim, Joon-Seok (Department of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang University)
  • Published : 1991.06.30


This study is concerned with the scheduling problem for mixed-model assembly lines in Just-In-Time(JIT) production systems. The most important goal of the scheduling for the mixed-model assembly line in JIT production systems is to keep a constant rate of usage for every part used by the systems. In this study, we develop two heuristic algorithms able to keep a constant rate of usage for every part used by the systems in the single-level and the multi-level. In the single-level, the new algorithm generates sequence schedule by backward tracking and prevents the destruction of sequence schedule which is the weakest point of Miltenburg's algorithms. The new algorithm gives better results in total variations than the Miltenburg's algorithms. In the multi-level, the new algorithm extends the concept of the single-level algorithm and shows more efficient results in total variations than Miltenburg and Sinnamon's algorithms.
