조선시대(朝鮮時代)의 포백척(布帛尺)에 관한 연구(硏究)


  • 발행 : 1991.05.25


We suppose that Poback-cheok appeared with wearing clothes in the ancient times. At first, man used body as a scale, and it is gradually diversified with social development. It is clear that also in the time of Shilla-Dynasty, the United Shilla-Dynasty and the Goryeo-Dynasty, the system of degree existed in historical relation to that of China. But we don't know it's real length, because there is no recording until the beginning of the Yi-Dynasty. The first recording about Poback-cheok appeared in the time of the King Sejong. Hwangjong-Cheok which is a original vessel of the degree system appears in the 7th years of the King Sejong. In the 12th years of the King Sejong, Ju-cheok, Youngjo-cheok and Joyegi-cheok appeared. In the 13th years of the King Sejong, Poback-cheok appeared as a new changed one. At that time, the length of Poback-cheok is recorded as 44.75cm in chapter of Oye and Jonsoo Pobaek-cheok is recorded as 46.73cm in Jeonjesangjeongso's picture, and it is recorded as 46.80cm in the Kyunggugdaijeon. The scale system is put in good order in the time of King Sejong. But it is confused by the war of 1636 after King Seonjo period. In the 26 th year of King Youngjo, it is reappeared as one of the King Sejong, and it is fixed as 46.80cm. The length is used until the proclamation in the 6th years of the Kwangmu(1902), and then the length of Pobaek-cheok is changed as 48.48 cm, that is measured by a Gok-cheok. After that time, the scale system is very confused during the introduction of new civilization and the Korean-Japanes Unit. So it is used longer or shorter(that is, 49.24cm or 48.91cm). And the metric system is introduced by Japanes in 1926, and it reached the present time. According to use, the actual thing with is used in the end of the Yi-Dynasty is various from 30cm to 70cm. And according to material and craft-man, it can be devided into Hwa-gag scale, Najeon-blacklacquer-scale, bamboo-scale, wooden-scale. The way of expression of measure is always followed by the decimal system. The other half part, except the part of expression of graduation, is put on decorate with a pattern. Also we can see the idea of living on this point.
