The Effects of Water Holding Matter on Emergence and Early Growth of Forage Grasses

보수성물질이 목초의 출아 및 초기생육에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 1991.09.01


The present study eluciciated the effect of water holding matter on emergence and survival of forage grasses in seedling and early growth stage. Vermiculite was used as u7ater holding matter. Experiment was conducted with 2 treatments, soil only and soil with 3% vermiculite. The results obtained were as follows: Most of character related to emergence and early growth were improved clearly by adding vermiculite. Specially, root growth was increased when vermiculite was added in soil. Survival percent at drought stress condition was also improved by adding vermiculite. Rut the amount of water keeping by verm~culite was not much.
