Saturated - Unsaturated Transient Subsurface Flow Model on a Hillslope

  • Choi, Eun-Ho (Resrarch Assistant, Dept., of Civil Eng., Dongguk Univ., Seoul) ;
  • Nahm, Sun-Woo (Professor, Dept., of Civil Eng., Dongguk Univ., Seoul)
  • 발행 : 1991.06.01


The governing partial differential equation of flow in porous media is developed on the bases of the continuity equation of fluid for transient flow through a saturated-unsaturated zone, and substitution of Dercy's law. The numerical solution is obtained by the Galerkin finite element method based on the principle of weighted residuals. The analysis is carried out by using the unsteady storm data observed and the functional relationships between the hydraulic conductivities, capillary pressure heads, and volumetric water contents under saturated-unsaturated conditions. As the results the hydraulic conductivities, rates of change of storage and initial moisture conditions are significantly influened on the responses of subsurface flow on a hillslope.
