A Bibliographic Study on the Bleeding of Cough

해혈(咳血)에 대(對)한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • Lee, Seung-Woo (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Won Kwang University)
  • Published : 1991.06.30


The following results were obtained according to these fact which is considered peviodically and bibliographically ; 1. The cause of bleeding of cough was Oegampunghan(外感風寒), Pyosaoesok(表邪外束), Chohwasangpye(燥火傷肺) in external cause, Eumhuhwadong(陰虛火動), Sinhu(腎虛), Hyulhu(血虛), Damhwajukyul(痰火積熱), Pyesuyul(肺受熱) ect. in internal cause. 2. The symptoms of bleeding of cough because of external cause was similar to generally cold symptom, because of internal cause were similar to Yeumhuhwadong(陰虛火動) and generanl Huyul(虛熱) symptom. 3. The treatment of external were Mahwangtang, Soshihotang, Sabaeksan ect. internal were Samultang, Yookmijihwangtang, Jaeumganghwatang, Gesosan ect.



  1. 中醫診斷學 長春中醫學院(外)
  2. 東醫肝系內科學 金定濟(外)
  3. 東醫小兒科學 丁奎萬
  4. 韓方病理學 鄭遇悅
  5. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  6. 中醫學間答 楊醫亞
  7. 中醫症狀鑑別診斷學 中醫硏究院
  8. 中醫鑑證各要 秦伯未(外)
  9. 中醫歷代醫論選 王新華
  10. 黃帝內徑 素問 張馬合註
  11. 中藏經 華타
  12. 丹溪心法 朱震亨
  13. 東垣十種醫書 李昊
  14. 證治要訣(醫部全書) 載思恭
  15. 醫學入門 李정
  16. 景岳金書 v.上 張介賓
  17. 幼幼集成 陳復正
  18. 血證論 唐容川
  19. 中醫歷代醫論選 王新華
  20. 醫部全錄 陳夢雷
  21. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  22. 醫宗必讀 李中梓
  23. 張氏醫通 (中醫歷代醫論選) 張石項
  24. 醫實 趙獻可
  25. 證因脈治 (中醫歷代醫論選)
  26. 醫學哀中參西綠 張錫純
  27. 東醫肺系內科學 李珩九(外)