A Bibliographic Study About Heart Exhaustion

허로(虛勞)중 심로(心勞)의 원인(原因)과 증상(症狀)의 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

  • Yoon, Ho-Seog (Dept. of Oriental Medicine Graduate School of Won Kwang University)
  • Published : 1991.06.30


After studying 20 sorts of referance materials including Hwangjenaegyung which discuss the causes and symptoms of SymRo the researcher has been led to the following conclusions ; 1. In the reference materials, Hyulmakhuso (血脈虛少) is listed as the first potential cause of Sim Ro. Gokwoonsingi (曲運神機) is listed as the second potential cause. 2. Holholhemang (忽忽惠忘) is listed as the most obvious symptom of Sim Ro. Kunaesangchang (口內生瘡) is listed as the second obvious symptom.



  1. 黃帝內經
  2. 普濟方 朱橚
  3. 中藏經(醫部全緣 卷十二 虛勞門一) 화타
  4. 千金方 (醫部全綠 卷十二) 孫思邈
  5. 濟生方 (中國醫學大系 卷二十五) 嚴用和
  6. 外臺秘要 (中國醫學大系 卷四) 王燾
  7. 醫學入門 (醫部全綠 卷十二 虛勞門二) 이정
  8. 醫學綱目 (醫部全綠 卷十二虛勞門二) 樓英
  9. 六書(醫部全綠 卷十二 虛勞門一) 劉完素
  10. 古今醫統 (醫部全綠 卷十二 虛勞門二) 徐春甫
  11. 醫門法律 (醫部全綠 卷十二 虛勞門三) 喩昌
  12. 景岳全書 (醫部全綠 卷十二 虛勞門三) 張介賓
  13. 聖濟總錄纂要(中國醫學大系 卷七) 政和奉刺
  14. 醫書七十二種 陳修園
  15. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  16. 惠庵醫方 吳得泳
  17. 醫宗損益 黃道淵
  18. 診療要鑑 金定濟
  19. 仁濟志 (韓國醫學大系 卷四十五) 徐有傑
  20. 東醫心系內科學 具本泓(外)