The Acute Toxicity of Liocolae vermiculus Extract in Mice and its Effect on Hepatic Damages induced by $CCl_4$ in Rats

제조 엑기스의 마우스 급성독성(急性毒性) 및 흰쥐의 사염화탄소(四鹽化炭素) 간장장애(肝臟障碍)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Published : 1991.03.30


This study was attempted to investigate the acute toxicity of Liocolae vermiculus(Liocola brevitarsis) extract in mice, the effect on GOT, GPT Al.p, LDH activities and level of total cholesterol in serum of $CCl_4-intoxicated$ rats. In acute toxicity test, Liocolae vermiculus extract showed 10% mortality at 2,000 mg/kg, p.o. and at 1,000 mg/kg, i.p.. The Liocolae verculus extract caused a remarkable decrease in serum transaminase as well as Al.p activities in $CCl_4-intoxicated$ rats at $300{\sim}1,000{\;}mg/kg$ dosage ranges. The activities of -LDH and the level of total cholesterol were significantly decreased in all sample-treated group, when compared with the control group. The body weight decreased, and the liver and spleen weight increased in $CCl_4-intoxicated$ rats were significantly recovered by the administration of the extracts.
