Monte Carlo Method에 의한 GaAs의 Hydrodynamic Model Parameter의 추출

Extraction of Hydrodynamic Model Parameters for GaAs Using the Monte Carlo Method

  • 발행 : 1990.03.01


Hydrodynamic model에 의해서 submicron GaAs device를 simulation 할 때 필요한 hydrodynamic model parameter 들을 Monte Carlo code를 개발하여 추출하였다. GaAs 전도대의 밴드구조로 $\Gamma$, L, X세개의 valley를 고려하였고, 산란기구로는 polar optic phonon, acoustic phonon, equivalent intervalley, non-equivalent intervalley, ionized impurity 및 piezoelectric scattering을 고려하였다. 계산으로부터 얻은 속도 - 전계 곡선은 실험결과와 잘 일치하였고, 다른 연구자들이 소자 시뮬레이션에 사용할 수 있도록 모델 파라메터들을 표로 제시하였다.

The hydrodynamic model parameters for the submicron GaAs simulation are calculated using the Monte Carlo method. $\Gamma$, L-, and X-valleys are included in the conduction band of GaAs, and polar optic phonon, acoustic phonon, equivalent intervalley, non-equivalent intervalley, ionized impurity, and piezoelectric scattering are taken into account. The velocity-electric field strength curve obtained in this paper is in good agreement with experimental one. We present the results in tabular form so that other participants can make use of them to simulate the submicron GaAs devices by the hydrodynamic model.
