인간적 척도와 시각적 선호의 관계성에 관한 연구 -도시공간을 중심으로-

A Study on the Relationship between Human Scale and Visual Preference

  • 발행 : 1990.04.01


This study intends to define the concept of human scale and visual preference which is frequently being used by environmental designers, and to explore the dimension of buildings and courtyards which is perceived as "human scale" and "visually preferable" by users (college students). As the subjects of this experiment were college students, "human scale" and "visual preferenoe" that were professional terms must be changed to understandable and compatible concept. The compatible concept for human scale was defined as the degree of friendliness and comfort, and that for visual preference was declined as the degree of like or dislike. The subjects thought that buildings with the height of 2.73 ∼5. 83 storides, the length of 27.44∼44.00m and the height ratio of 1.81 ∼5.41 were in human scale, and that buildings with height 2.60 ∼ 6.00 stories, the length of 25.7∼55.00 and the height ratio of 1.32∼6.41 were visually preferred. The block game used in this study was Proved to he a reliable and valid experimental method.
