식도협착증 환자에서 발생한 식도천공의 비개흉적 식도적출술에 의한 치험 2례

Transhiatal Esophagectomy after Esophageal Perforation in Patients with Underlying Stricture

  • 발행 : 1990.12.01


When the perforation of intrathoracic esophagus occurs in the presence of preexisting esophageal stricture, aggressive and definitive therapy often provides the only chance for patient salvage. Two adults suffering from intrathoracic esophageal perforation with underlying stricture underwent transhiatal esophagectomy. The perforations were due to esophageal instrumentation. Restoration of alimentary continuity with a primary cervical pharyngogastric anastomosis was carried out in one patient. Another patient underwent a cervical esophagostomy and had a subsequent colonic interposition 3 months later.
