A Study on the Views of the Nature and the Theories of the Medicine of the Chinese in the ancient times

고대(古代) 중국인(中國人)의 자연관(自然觀)과 의학이론(醫學理論)에 대한 고찰(考察)

  • Park, Kyung-Nam (Department of Classics and Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Park, Chan-Guk (Department of Classics and Medical History, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • Published : 1989.12.25


The most distintive features on the Thinking Structure of the Views of the Nature and the Theories of the Medicine of the ancient Chinese are a Comprehensions to the System of the Nature which reveals in the Natural Phenomena. Nothing doesn't changed in the Nature and man also. These Changes are inevitable to the man. So it isn't easy to grasp the Essence of the Natural Phenomena which always be changed. I-Ching (易經, Book of Changes), Chung-Yung (中庸) and many other books are that has a theories about the Changes, the ancients could recognized the unchangeable constancy from the ever changeable Natural Phenomena. The unchangeable constancy on the Oriental thinking means as same as an 'Idea' on the Western thinking. These process made them shape up the Views of the Nature and the Medical theories. And Chi (氣), Yin-Yang (陰陽) and Wu-Hsing (五行) are the most important concepts of their views and theories. In the concepts of Chi as an epistemological meaning; the Nature and the Han can be appreciated as a one System, because his being is within the Changes of the Nature and should be in accord with those Changes. He was going to believe that all beings are exist as an existential rules of himself. So Chi can be thougt as an epistemological system to all beings' existence. Thinking of Yin-Yang as a existential meaning; all beings are exist having a contrary and a complementary to each other. Birth and Death, Be ginning and Finishing in a series of the process occurs in all beings are the two sides of their existential and intrinsic tendencies. That can be condensed to the Yin-Yang concepts. In the consideration of Wu-Hsing;all beings are observed and explained more deliberatively by it's own rules. By the way the concepts of Chi, Yin-Yang and Wu-Hsing which derived from the processes of the recognition to the Changes of the Nature are practiced actually by the thoughts of Harmony. And it is represented by the accordance to the Time of the Natural Changes, that is, Shiling (時令). It means a adjustments to the Time and Changes of the Nature. The health of all beings that is an aim of the Medicine can be maintained by their practical thoughts or the concepts of Shiling.
