Applied Microscopy
- Volume 19 Issue 2
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- Pages.138-144
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- 1989
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- 2287-5123(pISSN)
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- 2287-4445(eISSN)
The Changes of Electron Microscopic Block Condition According to Seasonal Status
계절에 따른 Electron Microscopic Block 상태의 변화
- Sohn, Seong-Hyang (E.M. Lab., College of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
- Yoo, Chang-Kyu (Dept. of Biology, College of Science, Yonsei University) ;
- Choe, Rim-Soon (Dept. of Biology, College of Science, Yonsei University)
- Published : 1989.12.01
The specimens for electron microscopic observation made in different seasons have different qualities even though they are made by the same procedure. We observed the various specimens made in each four season. As the results, we concluded that the different specimen conditions were caused by the humidity and penetrability of various solution into the block. In spring, fall and winter, the quality of specimen is good and the difference with one another is not found. But in summer, the specimen have worse quality than in other seasons and not good for sectioning process and observation. In summer with high humidity, we can gain better specimens by eliminating the humidity as much as possible in all processes, thus increasing penetration of various solutions into the specimen.