보험자가 질병예방차원에서 실시하는 건강교육 개선방안

Health Education for Disease-Prevention by the Insurer

  • 발행 : 1989.07.01


Among disease prevention methods, health education is an excellent and effective method low cost. However, enforcing health education has the following limitations: there is little health education for the supported, health education disregards the characteristics of those educated, education materials are not specified and published satistactorily, and so on. This study suggests systemic health education planning to the Korea Medical Insurance Corporation. The special methods are as follows: 1. Health education for primary prevention a. We educate the insured who are judged to be normal by the results of health screening, dividing them into three groups:completely healthy status, emotionally disturbed status, and early pathologic status. b. We educate the insured characteristically according to occupational disease. c. In an advanced sense, we educate the insured according to their health condition and occupational status. 2. Health education for secondary and tertiary prevention We educate the insured who are judged to be inn a risk group or to be disease group according to the results of health screening. a. Health education for the risk group By health education on elimination of the risk factors, the risk group can be prevented from the disease. b. Health education for the disease group By health education on the therapeutic process and the method of rehabilitation, the disease group can return to the previous state. We conclude that: 1). Reimbursement for preventive activities{health interview, health education) must be realized. 2) A special organization for health education must be established. 3) All of the insured must be educated and managed during their lifetime by a new special organization.
