한국잔디(Zoysia Japonica Steud)의 실생번식법 확립에 관한 연구 I. 종자의 생리적 성숙기 조사

Studies on the establishing a lawn of Zoysia Japonica Steud with the seeds. Part I.Investigation of the physiological maturity of seeds.

  • 발행 : 1989.10.01


Tes ratablish a liawn Zoysia' Japonica Steud. with seeds. a experiment was conducted for the invrati ignt ic in oil seed's physic sit ogical maturity. The rt.sultt an' Summarized as follows: 1. The point of maximum weight off 1000 seeds and 100 seedling, germination speed and germination percentage were reached at 30 day. after anthesis. it would be considered as physiological maturity of Zoysia japonica seed. 2. The seeds moistures contents at physiological maturity was decreased in 18%. 3. Germination vigor deteriorated prior to viability. 4. The seeds were capable of germination in 3:4% at 10 days after anthesis. 5. Field deterioration of seeds occurer from 40 (lays after anthesis to 60 days and sprouted seedilng vigor was very poor.
