식사섭취조사방법의 비교연구

Comparison of Dietary Methods in Nutritional Studies

  • 김혜경 (울산대학교 자연과학대학 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1989.02.01


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of various dietary methods. Dietary intake of 24 patients on regular diet was investigated by three methods. One method was a precise weighing method, the others were 24-hour dietary recall method and convenient dietary questionnaries. The results obtained are summarized as followes ; 1) There were no significant differences in mean nutrient intake of subjects among three dietary survey methods. 2) The validity coefficient between the precise weighing method and 24-hour recall method, ranging from 0.26(fat) to 0.59(carbohydrate) showed significant correlation for carbohydrate, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and ascorbic and intakes. 3) The validity coefficient between precise weighting method and covenient dietary questionnaires, ranging from 0.14(fat) to 0.80(vitamin A), showed a significant correlation for most nutrients. 4) Female showed higher correlation between the precise weighing method and 24-hour recall method than male subjects for most nutrients. However, there was no significant sexual difference of correlation between weighing method and convenient method. 5) The correlation coefficient between the precise weighing method and the other two methods by age group showed younger sujbects have a higher significant correlation than older subjects for most nutrients.
