Applied Biological Chemistry
- Volume 32 Issue 1
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- Pages.44-49
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- 1989
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- 2468-0834(pISSN)
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- 2468-0842(eISSN)
Isolation of Phenolic Antioxidant Components from Panax ginseng
인삼으로부터 페놀성 항산화 성분의 분리
- Wee, Jae-Joon (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute) ;
- Park, Jong-Dae (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute) ;
- Kim, Man-Wook (Korea Ginseng and Tobacco Research Institute) ;
Lee, Hyong-Joo
(Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
- Published : 1989.03.30
To isolate new antioxidants from Panax ginseng, methanol extract of Panax ginseng was fractionated into several subfractions and their antioxidant activities were measured by using
인삼중 새로운 항산화 성분을 분리하기 위하여 인상의 메탄올 추출물을 여러 성분 분획으로 나눈 다음