Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (치과방사선)
- Volume 18 Issue 1
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- Pages.81-136
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- 1988
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- 1225-049X(pISSN)
단층촬영을 이용한 악관절 기능장애 환자의 과두위에 관한 연구
- Choi Sung Youn (College of Dentistry, Yonsei University) ;
- Ryu Young Kyu (College of Dentistry, Yonsei University)
- Published : 1988.12.01
The aim of this study was to determine whether T.M.J. tomographic examination yielded significant differences in condyle positions among asymptomatic, myalgia, derangement, and arthrosis groups of T.M.J. disorders. The author obtained sagittal linear tomograms of right and left T.M.Js. of 36 asymptomatic, 22 myalgia, 54 derangement, and 31 arthrosis patients taken at serial lateral, central, and medial sections in the intercuspal position after submentovertex radiographs analyzed. With the dual linear measurements of the posterior and anterior interarticular space, condyle positions were mathematically expressed as proportion. All data from these analysis was recorded and processed statistically. The results were obtained as follows. 1. In asymptomatic group, radiographically concentric condyle position was found in 50.0% to 65.4% of subjects, with a substantial range of variability. No significant differences existed between men and women and also between right and left T.M.Js. for condyle position. 2. In women, significant difference for mean condyle position of left lateral section of each diagnostic category existed between derangement and myalgia groups (P<.05). Also that of left central section existed between derangement and myalgia groups, and that of left medial section existed between derangement and myalgia groups (P<.05). 3. In main-symptom side, condyle position in myalgia group was more concentric, and condyle position in derangement group was more posterior. This showed significant differences between derangement and myalgia groups in lateral, central, and medial sections of main- symptom sides, and only between derangement and myalgia groups in central section of contra-lateral sides (P<.05). Condyle position in arthrosis group was broadly distributed among all positions. 4. In contra-lateral side, significant difference for mean condyle position of central section of each symptomatic group existed between derangement and myalgia groups (P<.05). Condyle position in derangement group was more posterior. The distribution of the condyle position of contra-lateral side in patients with unilateral symptoms was similar to that of main-symptom side in each symptomatic group. No significant difference existed between main-symptom and contra-lateral sides. 5. For internal derangement subgroups, condyle position in reducible disc displacement group was more posterior than non-reciprocal and locking groups, but there was no significant difference. 6. From 16 to 25 years, significant difference for mean condyle position of medial section of main-symptom side of each symptomatic group existed between myalgia and derangement groups (P<.05).