실험적 방법에 의한 두 평판 사이의 난류 열대류의 해석

Experimental study of turbulent thermal convection between two flat plates

  • 윤효철 (대우조선 연구개발부) ;
  • 정명균 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1988.09.01


본 연구에서는 논란의 여지가 많은 문제점을 구간별 특성 척도 분석으로 보다 명확히 하고, 매질이 물과 공기인 경우 실험을 통하여 난류 열대류 구조를 분석하여 척도분석 및 Kraichnan등의 분석을 통해 확인된 바 있는 지수법칙층의 존재를 확인하 고자 한다.

Experiments have been conducted to investigate mean thermal structure in unstable turbulent thermal convection between two horizontal flat plates. The upper plate was kept at a constant cold temperature and the bottom plate at a constant hot temperature. Both air and water were used as its working fluids. Chamber aspect ratios were 3.80 and 6.17, the mean temperature differences between two plates were 2.6-9.3.deg. C, whose Rayleigh numbers in a range 6.13*10$^{5}$ -1, 07*10$^{8}$ . The heat transfer correlations obtained through the experiments are Nu=0.139R $a^{0.285}$ for air and Nu=0.087 R $a^{0.319}$ for water. Profiles of the mean temperature gradient clearly show the -2 and 1 4/3 power law regions.
