The Effect of Oral Administration of Ethanol in Ethylene Glycol Intoxication in Dogs

개의 Ethylene Glycol 중독에 대한 에탄올의 경구투여 효과

  • 박철만 (서울대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 한홍률 (서울대학교 수의과대학)
  • Published : 1987.06.01


The present studies were undertaken in attempt to investigate the therapeutic effect of ethanol in dogs intoxicated with ethylene glycol Three dogs treated with ethylene glycol and other three dogs with ethylene glycol plus 20% ethanol orally were examined on clinical signs, endoscopic views, histopathological findings, and autopsy findings respectively. The results obtained were summarized as fellows : 1. The clinical sings and their severity of dogs intoxicated with ethylene glycol were time related and progressed from vomiting, depression, thirsty, tachycardia, tachypnea, convulsiot ataxia, melena, uremia and coma, but clinical signs of dogs treated with ethylene glycol and ethanol simultaneously only stowed vomiting and thirsty. 2. In the gastroscopic view, the dogs intoxicated with ethyelne glycol showed edematous, hyperemia, errosive and ulcerative lesions in the fundus and body area but the dogs treated with ethylene glycol and ethanol simultanously showed edematous and hyperemic lesions. 3. Oral treatment of ethanol with ethylene glycol simultaneously have reduced the signs of EG intoxications in dogs.
