A Study on Anthropometric Data of 5 th Grade Students I. The Distribution of Physical Conditions

국교 5년생의 성장발달에 관한 조사연구 I . 전국 5학년 생의 체격분포

  • 문현경 (한국식품공업협회 식품연구소)
  • Published : 1987.10.01


The Purpose of this study was to investigate physical conditions and related factors of 5th grade, in Korea. The number of students surveyed was 10.751 . School health records of 63 grade schools were used. The school health record of 5th grade contains results of physical examination from 1st grade to 5th grade and results of physical fitness assessment for 5th grade. A questionnaire was also administered to the student. 1) The proportion of mother who has a job was 29% of students surveyed. Since some of mothers were working at odd hour, it is hard to take care of student's meal and nutritional intake. The proportion of students who didn't eat breakfast everyday was 5.8% . Students who took medicine for health were 26% of total students surveyed. 2) Male students were taller than female students until 4 th grade. At 5 th grade, the mean height was 137.1cm for male students and 137.6cm for female students . At 5 th grade, the mean weight was 31.5kg for male students and 31.2kg for female students. The 10, 25, 50, 75.90 percentile of the total distribution was examined . By rising in grade, the height velocity was decreased for male student and increased for female students . The weight velocity was increased sharply for male and female students and the increasing velocity was larger in female than male students. Using heights and weights from 1st grade, BMI, RI, and RW were calculated. 3) The proportion of students who drank milk everyday was 49%, The \intake frequency of cookies, eggs, ice cream, chocolate were higher than the intake freguency of cheese, ham and soy bean milk

우리나라 아동의 비만실태를 파악하기 위한 연구의 일환으로 전국의 국민학교 5학년 10.751명의 체격분포를 조사하였다. 건강기록부를 이용하요 1학년때 부터 학년까의 키, 몸무게를 분석하고 설문지를 이용하여 체격과 관련된 일반 현황 및 식품섭취 빈도를 조사하였다 1)조사대상아의 어머니 중 29%가 직업을 갖고 있었으며 출, 퇴근시간이 어린이의 영양관리를 제대로 할 수 없는 경우가 많았다. 조사대상아의 5.8%가 거의 매일 결식하였으며 건강을 위해 약제를 복용하는 경우가 26%였다. 2)키는 4학년까지는 남학생이 우세 하다가 5학년때는 남학생이 137.1cm, 여학생이 137.6cm 였다. 몸무게는 남녀 각각 31.5kg, 31.2kg였으며 키, 몸무게의 10, 25, 50, 70 ,90percentile 분포에 해당하는 값이 제시되었다. 고학년이 될수록 남학생의 키의 성장속도는 둔화된 반면 여학생은 오히려 증가였다. 몸무게는 학년이 높아지면서 남녀 모두 증가폭이 커졌으며 여학생의 증가폭이 더 컸다. 키와 몸무게를 이용하여 5년간 BMI, RI, RW 갑이 계산되었다. 3) 49% 아동이 우유를 매일 섭취 하였으며 과자, 계란, 아이스크림, 초코렛의 섭취빈도가 높은 반면 치즈, 햄, 두유의 섭취빈도는 매우 낮았다.
