Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (한국식품영양과학회지)
- Volume 16 Issue 3
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- Pages.27-34
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- 1987
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- 1226-3311(pISSN)
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- 2288-5978(eISSN)
Identification of the Volatile Components in Korean Ordinary Kochujang
한국재래식(韓國在來式) 고추장의 향기성분동정(香氣成分同定)
- Ahn, Cheol-Woo (Dept. of Food Processing, Pusan Junior College) ;
- Kim, Jong-Kyu (Dept. of Applied Microbiology, Yeungnam University) ;
- Sung, Nack-Kie (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Gyeongsang Nat. Univ.)
- Published : 1987.08.31
The present paper was attempted to obtain the basic date concerning a reasonable preparing method and optimum fermentation conditions of Kochujang (Red pepper paste). To establish the standard quality of Kochujang, the chemical compositions and the volatile components of Kochujang was discussed. The native Kochujang collected from 80 households contained 40.51% of moisture, 6.00% of salts, 3.25 % of crude fat, 10.30 % of crude ash, pH 4.79, 9.28ml of tillable acidity. 19.60% of reducing sugar, 179.51 mg/100g of amino nitrogen and 4.43% of total nitrogen. The volatiles of Kochujang were extracted by a steam-distillation under the reduced pressure and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Total volatile components identified in the native Kochujang were 46 components, i. e., 30 components in neutral fraction, 8 components in phenolic fraction and 8 components in acidic fraction, respectively. But no components were detected basic fraction.
우리나라 전통효소식품(傳統酵素食品)인 고추장의 품질(品質)을 개선(改善)하기 위한 자료(資料)를 얻고자 일반가정(一般家庭)에서 재래식(在來式)으로 담근 80시료(試料)의 고추장을 수집(蒐集)하여 일반성분(一般成分)을 분석(分析)하고 5개월간(個月間) 효소숙성(酵素熟成)킨 고추장의 향기성분(香氣成分)을 동정(同定)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 일반가정(一般家庭)에서 수집(蒐集)된 고추장의 일반성분(一般成分)은 수분(水分) 40.51%, 염분(鹽盆) 6.0%, 조지질(粗脂質) 3.25%, 조탄분(粗炭分) 10.30%, 환원당(還元糖) 19.60%, 아미노질소(室素) 179.5mg/100g 및 총질소(總窒素) 4.43%였고, pH는 4.79, 적정산도(滴定酸度)(0.1N NaOH)는 9.28ml였으며 관능검사점수(官能檢査点數)는 평균치(平均値)가 125.01점(点)이였고 표준편차(標準偏差)는 15.42였다. 또한 담금고추장의 휘발성성분(擇發性成分)은 중성회분(中性劃分)에서 methoxy acetophenone 외(外) 29성분(成分), phenol성획분(性劃分)에서 thymol 외(外) 7성분(成分) 및 산성획분(酸性劃分)에서 methyl octanoic acid 외(外) 7성분(成分)으로 모두 46성분(成分)이 동정(同定)되었으며 염기성획분(盛基性劃分)에서는 검출(檢出)되지 않았다.