단백질의 종류가 체내 칼슘 대사에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

The Effect of Meat Protein and Soy Protein on Calcium Metabolism in Young Adult Korean Women

  • 피재은 (숙명여자대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 1986.02.01


The present study conducted to examine the effects of proteins from different sources on Ca excretion in 6 healthy young adult Korean women. The subjects were given meat protein diet for 5 days and soy protein diet for subsequent 5 days. the two diets were similar in protein and Ca contents. Urinary and fecal samples were collected for the last 2 days of each diet period and were analyzed for Ca and P. The results were as following ; 1) Mean daily urinary calcium excretion was 126.5$\pm$22.70mg for meat protein diet and 83.7$\pm$17.19mg for soy protein diet and the difference was significant (P<0.025). 2) Fecal Ca excretion did not show significant difference between two experimental preiod ; 466.9$\pm$73.68 mg of meat portein diet 284.4$\pm$54.96mg for soy protein diet. 3) Three out of six subjects showed negative balance on meat protein diet, but only one showed negative balance on soy protein diet. The averageof the balances on meat protein diet was -65.4 $\pm$68.19 and that of soy protein diet was 155.3$\pm$52.28 ; the difference was significant(P<0.025). 4) Urinary P excretion tended to be higher on meat protein diet but was not significant compared to soy protein diet . Fecal P excretion was significantly higher (P<0.001) on soy protein diet. Overall P balances for meat protein diet and soy protein diet were 219.94 mg and 229.46mg respectively (P<0.05). The above results show that urinary Ca excretion was significantly higher on meat protein diet but fecal excretion did not show significant difference between meat protein diet and soy protein diet. The overall Ca balance was significantly higher on Soy protein diet compared to meat protein diet.
