전로용 MgO-C질 내화벽돌의 손상요인

Wear Mechanisum of Carbon Bearing BOF Refreactories

  • 김의훈 (표항종합제출(주) 기술연구소) ;
  • 오영우 (표항종합제철(주) 기술연구소) ;
  • 이철수 (표항종합제철(주) 노재관리실) ;
  • 김종성 (삼화화성(주) 기술연구소) ;
  • 김종희 (한국과학기술원 재료공학과)
  • 발행 : 1986.01.01


It was the first time the MgO-C brick was developed for the lining materials in the hot spots in electric are furnace in 1972. MgO-C brick is high registant to thermal and structural spalling. Futhermore for the reason that carbon is hard to react with slag and MgO is high fireproof MgO-C brick shows a high corrosion registance to slag attack compared with conventional basic refractories. Owing to their excellent properties the use of MgO-C refractories are being developed widely in the field of shaped refractories and even in that of monolithic refractories. In this paper the oxidation of carbon the infiltration of slag into the brick texture and effects of additions were investigated. The results obtained were as follows : 1) The use of fused MgO-clinker and high purity carbon as raw materials increased the corosion registance and hot modulus of rupture of MgO-C brick. 2) As the oxidation reaction of the carbon proceeded the slag infiltrated into the brick texture. And then the slag components reacted with the MgO grains and formed low melting point compounds particulary CaO.MgO.$SiO_2$ and 3CaO.MgO.$2SiO_2$ that resulted in the wear of the brick. 3) It is recongnized the Al, Si, $B_3C$ effects on the oxidation registant properties of MgO-C brick by contribu-ting to the decrease of permeability according to the formation of $Al_4C_3$, SiC, $B_2O_3$ and the decrease of open pores relating to the formation of MgO.Al2O3, $SiO_2$, 3MgO.$B_2O_3$ at the decarbonized layer.



  1. 耐火物 v.32 no.9 渡邊明;武內祥光
  2. The 1st Int. Refrac. conf. Akira Watanabe;H. Takahashi;T. Matsuki;M. Takahashi
  3. 鐵と鋼 態谷正人;內村良治;江見俊彦
  4. 鐵と鋼 永井春戰;木般勳;佐藤高芳
  5. 耐火物 v.36 no.11 出口明郞
  6. 耐火物 v.34 no.5 永井春戰;佐藤高芳;井出秀夫
  7. 耐火物 v.35 no.1 成瀨庸一;藤本章一郞;鎌田義行;何部雅夫
  8. 耐火物 v.36 no.11 渡邊明;高橋宏邦;松木俊幸;國岡悟志;中谷三男
  9. TAIKABUTSU OVERSEAS v.4 no.1 Akira Yamaguchi
  10. 耐火物 v.34 no.6 浜本不二夫;南淵義和;奐澤和弘
  11. 鐵と鋼 今飯田泰夫;中田謹司;針田彬忠志
  12. 鐵と鋼 橫井試;小笠原一紀;大石泉;永井潤;態谷正人;內村良治
  13. 鐵と鋼 石井宏昌;土星一郞;田中征二郞;川上辰男;門田如弘
  14. 耐火物 v.34 no.6 渡邊明;高橋宏邦;佐伯剛二;?波茂雄;西川泰男
  15. 鐵と鋼 v.35 no.2 森本?志;針田彬;今飯田泰夫;川上辰男;田中征二郞;石井宏男
  16. 鐵と鋼 v.34 no.6 森本忠志;針田彬;今飯田泰夫;內材良治;態谷正人
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  18. 公開特許公報(A) 昭55-107749 松本俊幸
  19. 鐵と鋼 態谷正人;內村良治;新谷宏降