임간초지 개발에 관한 연구 I. 임간혼파초지의 수량 및 식생 변화

Studies on the Grassland Development in the Forest I. Botanical composition and yield of grass-clover mixtures grown under pine trees

  • Han, Y.C. (Livestock Experiment Station) ;
  • Park, M.S. (Livestock Experiment Station) ;
  • Seo, S. (Livestock Experiment Station) ;
  • Kim, J.G. (Livestock Experiment Station) ;
  • Lee, J.Y. (Livestock Experiment Station) ;
  • Kim, D.A. (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1985.01.30


本 試驗은 林間混播草地에서 年次間 收量 및 植生變化를 究明하고자 樹齡 10~15年의 소나무지대 (遮光程度 50%)에서 orchardgrass 위주형, tall fescue 위주형 그리고 reed canarygrass 위주형의 3가지 混播組合을 供試하여 1982~1984年에 걸쳐 水原 근교 林間地에서 수행되었으며, 이에 앞서 遮光程度0 (自然光), 50, 60%인 林間草地에서 牧草收量을 比較하였는데, 試驗의 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1 遮光程度가 0, 50, 60%로 높아짐에 따라 牧琴의 乾物收量은 100(1,113kg/10a), 81,76%로 각각 감소하였다. 2 總植生被覆度 및 牧草率은 混播組合類型에 관계없이 비슷한 경향을 보였으며, 年次에 따라 점차 감소하였다. 그러나 山野草 및 雜灌木比率은 年次에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 3 . 混播組崙類型別 牧草의 構成比率은 orchardgrass형, tall fescue형, reed canarygrass형, 共히 orchardgrass가 80% 내외로 優占되어 있었으며 tall fescue, reed canarygrass, Kentucky bluegrass 및 ladino clover의 比率은 낮았다. 4 龍播組合類型刷 年淡間 乾物收量을 보면 orchardgrass 위주형, tall fescue 위주형, reed canarygrass위주형에서 1年次의 경우 10a當 각각 895, 905, 793의 收量을 보였으며, 2年次의 경우 466, 457, 438을 보여 混播組合間 큰 差異는 없었으나 1年次에 비해 2年次에서 약 50%의 收量減少를 보여 주었다. 5. 이상의 結果를 綜合하여 볼 때 우리나라의 林間草地에 適合한 混播組合은 牧草率 및 彦性 等으로 보아 orchardgrass 위주형이, 가장 有望하며 今後 林間草地에서는 生産性을 계속 維持시켜 주는것이 중요하다고 생각된다.

With a view to producing forest trees and forages, the grassland development in the forest has become an important issue in Korea. For better grassland development in the forest, a field research was carried out to investigate the effects of 3 dominant types of seed mixtures (orchardgrass type, tall fescue type, and reed canarygrass type) on the botanical composition, pasture plants composition and dry matter yield of grass-clover mixtures grown under pine trees (shading level; about 50%). As a preliminary test, 3 shading levels (o; full sunlight, 50, and 60%) were treated to compare the yield of pasture in the forest. This experiment was arranged as a randomized block design with 3 replications, and performed at the experimental field in the suburban forest of Suweon, during 1982 to 1984. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. As the shading level increases by 0, 50, and 6075, the dry matter yield of forage was decreased by 100 (11.13 ton/ha),81 and 76%, respectively. 2. The total ground cover and percentage of pasture plants were decreased by year, regardless of 3 different dominant types of pasture mixtures. The wild grasses and shrubs, however, tended to be increased by year. 3. Orchardgrass was found to be the only dominant grass showing 80% of all pasture plants, regardless of 3 types of pasture mixtures. But the percentage of tall fescue, reed canarygrass, Kentucky bluegrass and ladino clover were low. 4. Dry matter yield was rapidly decreased to 5075 in the second harvest year, 1984 compared with that of the first harvest year, 1983. In 1983, the yield of orchardgrass type, tall fescue type, and reed canary-grass type was 8.95, 9.05, and 7.93 ton per ha, respectively, while in 1984, the yield was 4.66, 4.57, and 4.38 ton per ha, respectively. 5. From the above results, it is suggested that tile orchardgrass dominant type of pasture mixtures is the most desirable considering forage production and botanical composition, and maintaining productivity for several years is important in the grassland under the trees.
