제주도내 6개부락 공동목장 야초지에 대한 방목기의 건물수량 , 일반조성분 및 식생구성율의 변화

Changes in Dry Matter Yield , Chemical Composition , Botanical Composition of Native Pasture during the Grazing Period at Six Co-operative Village Farms Situated

  • 발행 : 1983.12.30


濟州道內 6個部落 共同牧場 野草地를 對象으로 野草의 生産性과 植生比率이 家畜 增體에 미치는 效果를 究明하기 위해 1981년 5월부터 동년 11월까지 調査, 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 乾物收量은 7月收穫보다 10月收穫에서 2培二上 높았으며 모든 牧場이 같은 趨勢였다. 2. 野草의 祖蛋白質 含量은 7월보다 10월에서 낮았으며 粗纖維는 그 반대였다. 3. 牧場別로 볼 때 1일 增體量이 높은 河源과 海安牧場이 野草의 組蛋白質 含量이 가장 높았고 增體率이 제일 낮은 吾羅牧場에서 組蛋白質 含量이 낮았다. 4. 本 野草地에 分包된 全植生中 잔디가 56.61%로서 가장 높았으며 그 다음은 고사리 16.44%, 억새 3.76% 순위였다. 科別로는 禾本科가 72.08%. 登科 1.81% 고사리과 16.49%, 기타 9.62%였다. 5. 1일 增體率이 높은 河源牧場은 禾本科와 登科의 比率이 높았고 增體率이 낮은 吾羅와 龍崗牧場은 독생이 있는 고사리 比率이 높은 것으로 나타났다.

This study was carried out to investigate changes in the quality and botanical composition of native pasture during the grazing period. The results obtained were as follows: 1. On all the farms, the total dry matter yield of native pasture was much higher in the October-cut than in the July-cut. 2. The crude protein content was higher in the July-cut than in the Oct.-cut, while the crude fiber content gave opposite results. There was the same tendency on all the farms. 3. When the six farms were compared, the highest crude protein content was found at Hawon and Haian farm, and cows on these farms showed the highest daily weight gain. Ohra farm had the lowest crude protein and the cows on this farm the lowest daily weight gain. 4. The botanical composition of the main species distributed was 58.1% Zoysia japonica, 16.4 Pteridum aquilinum, and 3.8% Miscanthus sinensis. In the case of family, 72.1% were Gramineae, 1.8% Leguminosae, and 16.4% Pteridacea. 5. According to botanical composition of a family, Hawon farm had the highest daily weight gain and the highest rate of Gramineae and Leguminosae. Ohra and Youngkang farms had the lowest weight gains, but the native grassland on these farms contained a high proportion of Pteridum which is toxic to cattle.
