A Study on the International Maritime Satellite Systems

국제해사위성제도에 대한 고찰

  • Published : 1985.12.01


Nowadays, the satellite communication systems provide worldwide or international service through organizations such as INTELSAT and INMARSAT, and the satellite communication technology has brought remarkable changes in the maritime mobile service as well as the fixed service on land. In our country, the international fixed satellite service via INTELSAT is no means inferior to the advanced countries, but to the contrary, we feel ashamed to admit that the facilities and technologies of our maritime satellite service via INMARSAT system donot keep abreast with the development pace of the world. This paper describes first the historical review of the development of satellite communication system is the world, then analyses the problems to bring the systems into wider use as early as possible, and filnally, I will make the following suggestions for the promotive direction on the INMARSAT systems. 1. Estabilishment of the earth stations at sea and on land. 2. Standardization of the qualification of the principal communicator on board. 3. Promotion of the international cooperation for the maritime mobile satellite service. 4. Establishment of the research institute on the INMARSAT systems.

오늘날 衛星通信方式은 INTELSAT와 INMARSAT와 같은 國際組織을 통하여 全世界的인 國際業務를 제공하고 있으며 衛星通信技術은 陸上에서의 固定業務뿐만 아니라 海上移動業務에도 큰 變革을 가져왔다. 우리나라에서는 INTELSAT를 통한 國際固定衛星業務는 先進國에 비하여 손색이 없으나 INMARSAT시스템에 의한 海上移動衛星業務面의 施設과 技術은 世界水準에서 落後되어 있다. 本 論文에서는 먼저 위성통신방식의 발전과정을 論하고 그 시스템의 早速한 國內導入上 問題點을 分析하고 끝으로 INMARSAT 시스템의 導入促進方向을 다음과 같은 面에서 提案하고자 한다. 1. 海上·陸上地球局의 設置 2. 새로운 通信長資格基準의 設定 3. 海上移動衛星業務를 위한 國際協力의 增進 4. INMARSAT 시스템의 硏究機閱의 設置
