Relational indexing: theory and practice

연관색인법(聯關索引法)의 이론(理論)과 실제(實際)

  • Received : 1984.11.06
  • Published : 1984.12.31


The intellectual organization of information for storage and retrieval is one of the problem areas of information science. But the most of the methods have been developed are based on the coordination of keywords by Boolean logic or traditional classification systems. It is necessary to include in indexing process not just concepts or keywords, but also to express explicitly the relationship between them. Farradane believed that such a system should be founded on the psychology of thinking and developed an outline structure for concept organization and a series of explicit relations. The system of relational operators provides nine symbols which enable the semantic relationship between any two concepts to be explicitly specified in a analet. With the addition of the permutations of such analets, formed according to simple rules, alphabetical arrangement of the first term provides a complete logical subject index. Relational indexing as the basis of an indexing language has the potential to offer improved retrieval performance.

정보(情報)의 축적(蓄積)과 검색(檢索)을 위한 개념(槪念) 조직과정(組織過程)에서는 개념(槪念) 뿐만 아니라 이들 개념간(槪念間)의 상관관계(相關關係)가 명확히 표현되어야 하며 이를 위해서는 인간(人間)의 사고과정(思考科程)에 기초해야 한다. 연관색인법(聯關索引法)에서는 9개의 연관기호(聯關記號)를 통하여 문신 중에서 각 개념간의 관계표현이 가능하며 이들 개념을 순열(順列)시키므로써 주제색인(主題索引)으로서의 기능을 수행할 수 있으며 기존의 색인(索引)시스템에 비해 검색효율의 개선(改善)을 초래할 수 있을 것이다.
