교차분해법을 이용한 이단계유통체계에서의 중간창고의 입지선정

Cross Decomposition Applied to the Intermediate Warehouse Location Problem

  • 발행 : 1984.10.01


This paper considers the intermediate warehouse location problem in a two stage distribution system where commodities are delivered from the given set of capacitated factories to customers via uncapacitated intermediate warehouses. In order to determine the subset of warehouses to open which minimizes the total distribution costs including the fixed costs associated with opening warehouses, the cross decomposition method for mixed integer programming recently developed by T.J. Van Roy is used. The cross decomposition unifies Benders decomposition and Lagrangean relaxation into a single framework that involves successive solutions to a primal subproblem and a dual subproblem. In our problem model, primal subproblem turns out to be a transshipment problem and dual subproblem turns out to be an intermediate warehouse location problem with uncapacitated factories.
