A Fast Computational Algorithm for the Discrete Sine Transform

DST를 위한 고속 계산 알고리즘

  • 곽훈성 (전북대학교 공과대학 전기공학과) ;
  • 신건순 (금오공대 전자공학과)
  • Published : 1984.11.01


This paper represents a fast computational algorithm for the discrete sine transform defined by Kekre and Solanki. Techniques are developed to factor the discrete sine trans form matrix into M=log2 2N matrices, where the number(N) of sampled data points is a power of two. Each factorial matrix contains not more than two non-zero real elem tints in any row or column. As a result of this method, the exact a배orithm for the fast discrete sine transform is accomplished. The algorithm is illustiated by a signal flow graph, which may be readily translated to hardware or software implementation.
