컴퓨터를 이용한 순차 논리 회로의 설계 (동기식 순차 논리 회로의 경우)

Computer Aided Design of Sequential Logic Circuits (Case of Synchronous Sequential Logic Circuits)

  • 김경식 (서울대 공대 전자계산기공학과) ;
  • 조동섭 (서울대 공대 전자계산기공학과) ;
  • 황희영 (서울대 공대 전자계산기공학과)
  • 발행 : 1984.04.01


This paper presents the computer program to design the synchronous sequential logic circuit. The computer program uses the MASK method to get the circuit of optimal cost. The computer program takes as an input, the minimal reduced state transition table where each state has its internal code. As an output,the optimal design of synchronous sequential logic circuit is generated for each flipflop type of JK,T,D, and RS respectively. And these circuits for 4 flipflop types are evaluated and sorted in ascending order of their costs, so that the user can select the proper flipflop type and its circuit. Furthermore,the proposed computer program may be applied to state assignment with its facility of cost evaluation.
