Ecological Studies on the Coastal Plants in Korea-Floristic Compositon and Standing Crop of the Sand Duen on the Southern Coast

한국 해안식물의 생태학적 연구 - 남해안의 사구식물군락의 종조성과 현존량

  • Published : 1983.06.01


Vegetation types and their standing crop in the sand dune on the south coast of Korea was investigated by the method of Curtis, J.T. and McIntosh, R.P. (1951). The relationship between vegetation types and environmental factors was also analyzed. The dominant species in the vegetations of the south coast sand dune were Carex pumila, Calystegia soldamella, Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii, Vitex rotundifolia, Ixeris repens, Carex kobomugi, Zoysia macrostachya. The species density in the sand dune vegetation increased with the distance from the coast, psammophyte and rhizome psammophyte decreased with the distance from the coast but other plants increased. The standing crop of the sand dune vegetatiion was average $53.79g/m^2$. An individual standing crop of Vitex routundifolia and Carex kobomugi varied with the curve of secondary degree. The salt content of the sand dune soil from 2.95 to 11.78 mg %, and it was not significant differences among stands, but it was varied with the distance form the coast. Negative relationship between warmth index and aboveground standing crop was found and the formula y=283.8886 - 2.4910X could be estimated.
