일부 산업장 근로자의 간이정신진단 검사(SCL-90)결과에 관한 연구

A Study on the Response to Psychiatric Self-Report Rating Scale (SCL-90) of Some Industrial Workers in Korea

  • 최정애 (고려대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • Choi, Jung-Ae (Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 1982.10.01


This study aimed at assessing the industrial workers' mental health status and identifing the relationship between mental health status and socio-demographic variables. We administered psychiatric self report rating scale (SCL-90)to 622 manual workers and 191 office workers in a textile .industry. The study began on 1 November, 1981 and lasted for 30 days The results were as follow: 1. Scores of symptom dimension were higher in female rather than male, younger than older, lower income group than higher one, lower educated group than higher one, manual workers than office workers and unmarried group than married one respectively. 2. The result of dimension scores of total samples showed that the score of Obsessive-compulsive scale was highest. The rest symptom dimension showed the order as follows: Interpersonal sensitivity, Depression, Hostility, Anxiety, Paranoid ideation, Somatization, Psychoticism and Phobic anxiety. 3. In order to identify the partial contribution of each socio-demographic variables on the mental health, multiple regression method was applied, and the result was as follows. 1) Sex was the most important one to explain the Somatization, Phobic-anxiety and Psychoticism scales among the 7 variables in the multiple regression equation. 2) Economic status was the most important variable to explein the Obsessive-compulsive, Depression and Hostility scales. 3) Marital status was the most important variable to explain the Interpersonal-sensitivity and Paranoid ideation scales.
