한국연초학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science)
- 제4권2호
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- Pages.37-39
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- 1982
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- 1225-2131(pISSN)
황색종 잎담배 종자의 채종에 관한 연구
Studies on the Gathering Seed for the Natural Condition in Nicotiana Tabacum L.
This experiment was conducted to obtained basical source for gathering seeds in flue- cured (NC 2326), and to investigate some characters on the relation to gathering number of capsules per a plant; amount of gathering seeds, weight per 1000 seeds and germination rate, respectively. As a results; correlation coefficient of number of capsules and amount of gathering seeds was pros(live correlation (r =0.9771**) , Weight per 1000 seeds (0.16g) was good from 39