왕겨를 연료로 하는 황색종건조장치 개발

Development of a Curing System Using Chaff Fuel for Flue-cured Tobacco

  • 발행 : 1982.10.01


The increasing price and shortage of Petroleum Pointed out a need for a cheaper and readily available substitute fuel for curing tobaccos. This experiment was aimed to develop a new curing system which will employ chaff, instead of Petroleum, as fuel. For this purpose, a new curing system has been developed and tested at 3 locations of Suweon, Eumseong, and Daegu Tobacco Experiment Station. The quality of cured leaves by chaff-used barn did not differ from that of Petroleum- used barn. The fuel cost for chaff-used barn was as little as 17-18% of that in the other barn with petroleum.
