비 Froude수에 있어서 선체의 조파저항

Wave Resistance of a Ship at Low Froude Numbers

  • 발행 : 1981.06.01


Most existing theories on ship waves and wave resistance are based on the perturbation of the flow field by a small pararr.eter which specifies the slenderness of the ship hull. Since however, ship hulls in practice are neither so slender nor thin enough to secure the validity of the linearized theory, the agreen:ent between the theoretical prediction and the experimental result is not generally satisfactory. The author pointed out that the contribution by the non-linear term in the free surface condition can be represented by sorr.e source distribution over the still water plane. This paper leads to a forrr.ula for the wave resistance of not slender ships at low Froude nurr.bers. and deals with the asynptotic expression. As a nurr.erical example, the wave resistance of Wigley model is calculated, and the result is compared with experimental values. It is concluded that the wave resistance coefficient varies in the rate of Fn6 at low speed limit in general. A comparison with the result derived from the linearized free surface condition shows that the non-linearity of the free surface is irr portant at low speed.
