Heritabilities, Genotypic and Phenotypic Correlations, and Selection Indices in Aromatic Tobacco Varieties(Nicotiana tabacum L.

향끽미종 잎담배 유전에 관한 연구

  • 김준철 (한국인삼연초연구소 수원분소) ;
  • 황주광 (한국인삼연초연구소 수원분소)
  • Published : 1981.05.01


To obtain genetic information for breeding aromatic tobacco, broad sense heritabilities, phenotypic, and genotypic correlations were obtained for the following characters : days to frowert, plant height, number of leaves, leaf shape and nicotine. Six pure line varieties and the first and second generations of 5 crosses among them were employed in this study. The heritabilities for number of leaves and nicotine were very high in pure line varieties. However, the heritabilities for days to flower and yield were low in six varieties as well as in F2. Genotypic correlations had higher values than phenotypic did. Heritabilities calculated from segregating generations were lower than those from pure varieties, regardless of crosses involved. Positive phenotypic correlations between yield and plant height were observed in all crosses. Same phenomenon was observed with correlations between days to flower and number of leaves. The genotypic and phenotypic variances and covariances entering into the computation of correlations were used to construct the seletion indices for yield. The use and limitation of selection index was also discussed.
