개심수술 102례 의 임상적 고찰

Clinical Analysis of 102 Cases of Open Heart Surgery

  • 발행 : 1981.09.01


A total of 102 patients who had an Open Heart Surgery from April 1976 to July 1981 were reviewed. 55 paeitnts were congenital heart disease and 47 patients were acquired heart disease. Among SS patients of congenital heart disease, 18 T 0 F, 18 V S D, 8 A S D, and each one case of l\ulcorner 0 R V, Truncus arteriosus, Ebstein anomaly, Single ventricle, P D A, P 5, A S D + P 5, E C D, V 5 D + P D A, A - P window, D C R V were noted respectively. In 47 patients of acquired heart disease and one Ebstein patient, 46 prosthetic values were implanted: 17 had M V R, 4 had A V R, 2 had M V R + A V R, and 4 had M V R + T V R and one T V R. The operative mortality was 8.S% in acquired heart disease and 17% in congenital heart disease. The follow up period was between 6 months and 6 years. There were 3 cases of late mortality in acquired heart disease and one case in congenital heart disease.
