Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
- 제9권2호
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- Pages.31-35
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- 1981
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- 1017-0715(pISSN)
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- 2233-7180(eISSN)
일본잎갈나무 산화(山火) 고사목(枯死木)을 원료(原料)로 한 하드보드 재질연구(材質硏究)
A Study on Properties of Hardboard from Japanese Larch Killed by Fire
This study was carried out to investigate the properties of hardboard made from fire killed larch tree and also effects of standing period after killed by fire. The results are as follows; 1. There were no effects on hardboard properties among the standing period differences after killed by fire within about 2 years. 2. Specific gravities, moisture contents, water absorptions of the boards from dead trees have no differences compared with those of sound wood. 3. Bending strengths of the boards from dead trees we re decreased in the range of 24-28% of the boards from sound wood.