하천 수계의 수리기하학적 특성에 관한 연구 - 하천 사행을 중심으로 -

The Hydraulic Geometrical Characteristics in Rivers - About river meandering -

  • 송재우 (본학회 정회원 경기대학)
  • 발행 : 1980.06.01


Meandering has been attributed to the earth's rotation, to the excessive slope and energy of a river, to changes in stage, etc. The purpose of this study is a geometrical approach of meander shape and to derive the relationship among meander characteristics. In the analysis of sime field examples, in spite of variety of meander shapes, the sine-generated curve was fit actual quite well and better than alternatives against the channel distance. An attempt is made to find considerable relation among meander characteristics. But width and meanderbelt did not show any defined trend considerable scatter of points was observed.
