만삼(蔓蔘)엑기스가 임파성백혈병 P388에 미치는 영향

Effect of Extracts from the Codonopsis pilosulae Radix on P388 Lymphocytic Leukemia in vivo

  • 이인란 (이화여자대학교 약학대학)
  • 발행 : 1980.09.30


Mansam, the root of Codonopsis pilosula (Campanulaceae) has a action on blood metabolism. It has been known to possess anti leukemic effect by increasing of red blood cell, at same time, by decreasing white blood cell, with this connection, present study is aimed to clarify such potential anti leukenic effect by testing ethanol extract and chloroform extract against murine tumor model, lymphocytic leukemia P388. The data indicated that these extracts appeared to be inactive against this tumor line.
