Latin Square Type Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs

  • Paik, U.B. (Professor of Statistics, Korea University, Seoul)
  • Published : 1979.12.01


It is well known that $L_2(m)$ type PBIB designs have the Property A, so they are BNAS PBIB designs. However, $L_3(m)$ type PBIB designs are not of type of Property A but do have the factorial structure (Cotter, John, and Smith(1973)). In this paper, the properties of the $L_3(m)$ type PBIB designs are investigated. Extended Property A and fractional BNAS are defined and a solution formula for the treatment effects in the $L_32(m)$ type designs is obtained.



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  4. Biometrika v.50 Applications of the calculus of factorial arangements Ⅰ.Block and direct product designs Kurkjian,B.;Zelen,M.
  5. Journal of Social Science v.1 A study on PA type incomplete block designs and PAB type rectangular designs(in Korean) Paik,U.B.
  6. Communications in Statistics. v.1 Partially balanced designs and Properties A and B Paik,U.B.;Federer,W.T.