Diopside-Anorthite계의 유전체 및 절연체에 관한 연구

Study on Dielectrics and Insulator of Diopside-Anorthite System

  • 안영필 (한양대학교 공대 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 정복환 (한양대학교 공대 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 김일기 (한양대학교 공대 무기재료공학과) ;
  • 이광 (경남대 화공과)
  • Ahn, Young-Pil (Dept. of Inorganic Material Science Hanyang Univ) ;
  • Chung, Bok-Hwan (Dept. of Inorganic Material Science Hanyang Univ) ;
  • Kim, il-Ki (Dept. of Inorganic Material Science Hanyang Univ) ;
  • Lee, Kwang (Dept. of Chemical Engin. Kyung-Nam Univ)
  • 발행 : 1979.02.01


Diopside-Anorthite body was easily synthesized at relatively low temperature 1225℃, compared with the synthesizing temperature 1425℃ of Anorthite. Of Diopside-Anorthite body, the synthesizing temperature was considered to be higher than 1225℃ because Gehlenite, probably formed at 1220℃, was detected by X-ray diffraction. This body has excellent physical and electrical properties, i.e. electric resistivity (1.2×1014Ωcm), low dielectric constant (6.26) and low thermal expansion coeffcient (61.9×10-7/℃). It's hardness was good enough for electrical subsidiary. In addition, this body, Diopside-Anorthite, has exellent properties for heat resisting wares.



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