Comparison of Growth Performance of Selected ×Populus alba·glandulosa Clones in Different Locations

×Populus alba·glandulosa 우량개체(優良個體)의 지역별(地域別) 생장비교(生長比較)

  • Received : 1978.08.15
  • Published : 1978.09.30


Thirty nine clones of ${\times}$Populus alba glandulosa were selected tentatively and planted in Hwasung in Kyunggi-do, Jinju in Kyungnam-do, Myongju in Kangweon-do. Height measurements after tree growing seasons, indicated significant differences between clones and locations. Interaction between clones and locations were not significant statistically. Among 39 clones, 65-29-19, 65-11-106, 67-47-10, 66-14-149, 64-6-44 were best performing clones. Height measurements in Hwasung Kyunggi, and Jinju Kyungnam were 3.83m, 4.02m respectively, while that in Myongju Kangweon was only 1.06m. Myongju plantation in Kangweon-do is located in altitude of 800m and its average annual temperature was $6.2^{\circ}C$. Retarded growth in this plantation is caused high altitude and low temperature of the plantation which resulted from nearly three monthes shorter growing period than two other plantations. It is also recommended that straightness of stem, branching, wood quality and insect and disease-resistance have to be considered as selection criteria along with growth performance.

${\times}$Populus alba glandulosa의 예비선발개체(豫備選拔個體) 39 clones을 경기화성(京畿華城), 경남진주(慶南晋州), 강원명주(江原溟州)에 각각(各各) 식재(植栽)하여 3년생(年生)의 수고생장(樹高生長)을 비교(比較)한바, 선발개체(選拔個體)인 Clone간(間)에는 생장차이(生長差異)가 인정(認定)되었고 지역간(地域間)에도 생장차(生長差)가 있었다. 그러나 Clone과 지역간(地域間)에 Interaction(상호작용(相互作用))은 없었다. 1. 생장(生長)이 우량(優良)한 개체(個體)는 65-29-19, 65-11-106, 67-47-10, 66-14-149, 64-6-44 들이며 2. 경기화성(京畿華城), 경남진주(慶南晋州), 조림지(造林地)는 수고생장(樹高生長)이 각각(各各) 3.83m, 4.02m인데 반하여 강원명주(江原溟州) 조림지(造林地)는 불과 1.06m 밖에 되지 않았다. 3. 강원명주(江原溟州) 조림지(造林地)는 해발고(海拔高) 800m로서 년평균기온(年平均氣溫)이 $6.2^{\circ}C$로서 기온(氣溫)이 낮아 생장(生長)할수 있는 기간(期間) 다른 두조림지(造林地)에 비(比)하여 매년(每年) 2~3개월(個月)가량 짧기 때문에 생장(生長)이 부진(不振)한 것으로 생각된다. 4. 앞으로 우량개체(優良個體)를 선발(選拔)하는데는 생장(生長)뿐만 아니라 수간(樹幹)의 통직성(通直性), 가지(지(枝)) 재질(材質), 내병충성(耐病蟲性) 등(等) 여러 형질(形質)을 감안하여 우량개체(優良個體)를 선발(選拔)해야 할것이다.
