잠난비중이 부화율에 미치는 영향 ( I )

Effect of Egg gravity of Silkworm, Bombyx mori L., on the Hatching and the Practical Hatching Ratio (I)

  • 발행 : 1978.12.01


잠 103$\times$잠 104 와 그 역교, 잠107$\times$잠108 및 그 역교를 공시하여 6개 업자의 잠종비중별 부화율 및 실용부화율 시험에서 얻은 결과는 1. 난비중을 세분하여 부화율 실용부화율을 보면 경비중에 비하여 중비중 및 중비중의 난이 부화율 및 실용부화율이 높았다. 2. 일모체는 중모체에 비하여 경비중 및 중비중난에서 부화률이 높았고 실용부화율은 경비중난에서만 높았다. 3. 중모체는 비중별 실용부화율 및 부화율의 차이가 컸으며 이에 비하여 일모체는 부화율에는 차이가 없으나 실용부화율에서 비중별 차이를 인정할 수 있었다. 4. 제조업자별 중비중난의 부화율 및 실용부화율의 차이는 없으나 경비중, 중비중난에서는 현저한 차이를 나타내었다.

This experiment was attempted to investigate the effect of the specific gravity of silkworm eggs on the hatching and the practical hatching ratio depend upon six egg production companies for two silkworm races and their reciprocal crosses. 1. The hatching and the practical hatching ratio in the specific gravity of medium and heavy eggs were higher than in the specific gravity of light eggs. 2. Compare with Japanese or Chinese mother races each other, it was inclined that the former seems to be higher than the latter on the hatching ratio in the specific gravity of light and medium eggs, but the practical hatching ratio was high only in the specific gravity of light eggs. 3. Chinese mother races were different in the practical and the hatching ratio between the specific gravity of eggs. On the contrary in case of Japanese mother races were no difference for the hatching ratio but difference in the practical hatching ratio between the specific gravity of eggs. 4. On the egg production company, in case of the specific gravity of medium and light eggs, the hatching and the practical hatching ratio were high significance, but no difference in the specific gravity of heavy eggs.
