Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (치과방사선)
- Volume 7 Issue 1
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- Pages.31-38
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- 1977
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- 1225-049X(pISSN)
한국인 설과 악간극의 크기에 관한 방사선학적 연구
- Lee Sang Rae (Department of Dental Radiology, College of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University)
- 이상래 (경희대학교 치과대학 방사선학교실)
- Published : 1977.12.01
A study was performed to investigate the size of tongue area and intermaxillary space area, and compare the sexual differences between normal Korean children and adults by introducing planimetric and linear analysis of the lateral cephalograms. The cephalograms were composed of 41 child male aged 10.8, 40 child female aged 10.5, 38 adult male aged 21.3 and 40 adult female aged 20.8 respectively. In order to study and measure the intermaxillary space area, the followings were selected, as reference items: occlusal plane, anterior intermaxillary space height, posterior intermaxillary space height, length of intermaxillary space. Among those reference items anterior intermaxillary space height and posterior intermaxillary space height were perpendicular to the maxillary plane. An. index, (equation omitted) While the tongue area was plotted by outline of tongue shadow, above a line extending from the vallecula to the most anterior point on the hyoid body, and above a line from the most anterior point of the hyoid body to the menton. The obtained results were as follows: 1. In general the measurements of male were larger than those of female in intermaxillary space area in childhood and adulthood group. but intermaxillary space area of childhood group showed no significant sexual difference, and that of adulthood group showed significant sexual difference when evaluated statistically. 2. In both groups the measurements of male were larger than those of female in tongue area and there are also statistical significance of sexual differences in both age groups. 3. Considerable growh changes between the childhood and adulthood groups were revealed in intermaxillary space area and tongue area, and the tongue had tendency to become relatively smaller when compared with the intermaxillary space in both sex.